Four candled, a matching poster bed.
Cloaked feet on one side, the other her head.
Identity still, flat line of trepidation spoke.
Priestess blessing, healing wounds soak.
Friend’s warm hand presses her green heart.
This shrine’s connection, death, a new start.
Other half distanced by miles in between.
Unexpected sobbing, reality, surreal and unseen.
Sultry dancing angels, planting truth’s seed.
Rhythm, taped magnetic, percussion freed.
Each song’s message, lyric sings a reflection.
Assert each decision, radiate, pill or dissection.
The shift unites, grabbing hands grip.
Healing drummer’s circle, magical honest sip.
Shattered are the dreams of arriving there.
Waking from the result, myth and goddess flair.
And these unveiled feet, climb to alter time.
Head critical, hear the sacred ocean’s mime.
So vast a voice, proof awaken me,
Genuine burst, melts, exploding tears plea.
© 2001